
How to deal with loneliness

Involuntary loneliness makes us ill and burdens our everyday lives. One in ten people in Austria complains about social isolation and loneliness. Those most affected are 15- to 25-year-olds and people older than 70 years. So lonely people do not have to be ashamed or accept it as an individual fate, they can now become active and escape loneliness!

Here we collected a few possibilities

ÖH Student Network

Culture and Events

Mental Health First Aid

Information about loneliness

4 Ways to achieve a sense of belonging

Intercultural psychological emergency aid for refugees and migrants

The way out of loneliness – professional support helps

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    • If you want to write anonymously, just type the message and send it.
    • If you have a personal question and need an answer, please also include your email address!


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