FH OÖ compass
Your path through your studies
About us
Hello and Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Especially at the beginning, the world of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is often like a labyrinth with four campuses, and many study programs, courses, people, organizations, and possibilities. The FH OÖ Compass is here to help you through this maze by providing resources to support you through your studies.
The purpose of FH OÖ Compass is to provide support to new students at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
FH OÖ Compass upholds the 10 guiding principles of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, which does not tolerate any form of discrimination, be it on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation.

What you will find with us

As a student, you need a lot of energy, perseverance, friends, and fun. FH OÖ is the perfect place to find like-minded people and to develop yourself. On Compass you can find support on various topics, including resources to connect to other students, social activities and events, and resources to promote safety and well-being.

Does the anticipation of learning outweigh the fear of failing? We’ve collected something for all preferences and situations on our website – take a look right now to see which topics and materials are relevant for you.

Sometimes it’s good to bring a bit of order into the chaos or to take a look around. From semester abroad to financial matters, accessibility to distance learning, equipment rental to room plans, and IT systems to the library, you’ll find resources here! plans, and IT systems to the library, you’ll find it all here!
FH OÖ’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
FH OÖ Compass upholds the 10 guiding principles of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Therefore, FH OÖ Compass upholds guiding principle 2, which states: “We represent a value system that does not tolerate any form of discrimination, be it on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation.”
Additionally, FH OÖ Compass upholds guiding principle 10, which states: “We are committed to the fundamental right to education for all people and support people nationally and internationally in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.”
FH OÖ commits to creating and maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for all students. Below, you’ll find the 10 guiding principles of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

FH OÖ Guiding Principle 1
We undertake to comply with the general principles and standards of human rights.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 2
We represent a value system that does not tolerate any form of discrimination, be it on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 3
We are deeply convinced that plurality, diversity of opinion and critical thinking must play an essential role at our university and in social life.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 4
In the spirit of the Magna Charta Universitarium of Bologna, we affirm that respect for academic freedom in research and teaching is at the center of our academic self-image. We attach great importance to the independence and autonomy of research and teaching so that they are free from political or economic influences.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 5
We are aware of the importance of ecological, economic and social sustainability and convey these premises of thought and action in the sense of a lived environmental awareness on the basis of the academic pledge to protect the natural foundations of life.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 6
We are a university that focuses on its students, actively involving, challenging and supporting them in academic learning and educational processes at all levels. The aim is to develop students into responsible citizens who are ready to take responsibility for the future of society in an intercultural and globalized environment.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 7
We are an international university that is oriented towards international quality standards and accreditations and is guided by the basic principles of transparency, fairness and a culture of compliance.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 8
We act through participatory leadership and management and utilize the experience, skills and competencies of staff and students for university-relevant relationships and networks as well as for decision-making and performance processes at all levels of the university.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 9
We regard critical self-reflection and personal responsibility in all areas of the university as a central component of personal and organizational development and consistentlz pursue the achievement of self-imposed quality standards for excellence.
FH OÖ Guiding Principle 10
We are committed to the fundamental right to education for all people and support people nationally and internationally in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.
the project
FH OÖ Compass was created through the ENTRANTS project, which is funded by the EU via Erasmus+. It is a work in progress: whenever you find something that is missing, that seems wrong or that you would like to get in touch with the project team about, we would be happy to hear from you!
Also, FH OÖ Compass would not have been possible without the collaboration with Studo. Unfamiliar with Studo ? Download the little helper for your study organization right now!
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.