At all of our faculties, our libraries offer numerous books, databases and electronic journals on the respective focus topics. The search in the library search engine PRIMO covers the entire printed and digital holdings of the FH Oberösterreich libraries. In addition, licensed database products from various fields of knowledge can be viewed quickly and easily via the database information system DBIS.
Our libraries also offer the possibility of inter-library loans and article ordering. Media can be ordered from other FH OÖ campus libraries or from almost all academic libraries in Austria and abroad.
The libraries also offer quiet places to study and work!

Different campuses
Library Hagenberg Campus
- Phone: +43 5 0804 24020
- E-mail:
Library Linz Campus
Literature focus: Social / Health / Medical Technology
- Phone: +43 5 0804 56008
- E-mail:
More information on the Linz library
Library Steyr Campus
- Phone: +43 5 0804 33070 or +43 5 0804 33072
- E-mail:
Library Wels Campus
- Phone: +43 5 0804 43150
- E-mail:
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- If you have a personal question and need an answer, please also include your email address!